The BON con: A call to action

Why do strategic litigation? Edmund calls on young lawyers to “build a just society where each individual can live with dignity and without fear”.

Talk about SUARAM and me outside Parliament if you dare

Amer Hamzah Arshad demanded that MP Wee Choo Keong and the media retract the allegations and the stories thereon against him and SUARAM, or that Wee repeats the same outside Parliament and for the press to report them.

Fighting for those who cannot speak up

Police brutality is a violation of a human right. An injustice perpetrated by even one from an institution set up to serve the cause of justice deserves the harshest condemnation. There cannot be any restraint in condemning abuse of power.

Persepsi salah yang perlu diubah

Wujudnya pemikiran di kalangan rakyat Malaysia bahawa Perlembagaan Malaysia adalah isu undang-undang yang hanya perlu diketahui oleh ahli politik, peguam, dan hakim, dan tidak menyentuh kehidupan seharian mereka. Ini adalah persepsi yang salah dan perlu diubah.

The God–provision

In January 2004, a 5–member panel of the Federal Court struck down a revolutionary COA decision. By affirming the constitutionality of section 72 of the Danaharta act, which provides that the courts cannot give an order to restrain the powers or actions of Danaharta Urus Sdn Bhd, the Judiciary also affirmed its impotence. If the Judiciary is not willing to protect the people, who is left to save us?

A clarion call for young lawyers

Once we realise that change is within us, the power to change is within reach and we can take action to change things; only then will we start living our lives a little bit more, and hopefully, with less fear.

The BON con: A call to action

Why do strategic litigation? Edmund calls on young lawyers to “build a just society where each individual can live with dignity and without fear”.

Talk about SUARAM and me outside Parliament if you dare

Amer Hamzah Arshad demanded that MP Wee Choo Keong and the media retract the allegations and the stories thereon against him and SUARAM, or that Wee repeats the same outside Parliament and for the press to report them.

Fighting for those who cannot speak up

Police brutality is a violation of a human right. An injustice perpetrated by even one from an institution set up to serve the cause of justice deserves the harshest condemnation. There cannot be any restraint in condemning abuse of power.

Persepsi salah yang perlu diubah

Wujudnya pemikiran di kalangan rakyat Malaysia bahawa Perlembagaan Malaysia adalah isu undang-undang yang hanya perlu diketahui oleh ahli politik, peguam, dan hakim, dan tidak menyentuh kehidupan seharian mereka. Ini adalah persepsi yang salah dan perlu diubah.

The God–provision

In January 2004, a 5–member panel of the Federal Court struck down a revolutionary COA decision. By affirming the constitutionality of section 72 of the Danaharta act, which provides that the courts cannot give an order to restrain the powers or actions of Danaharta Urus Sdn Bhd, the Judiciary also affirmed its impotence. If the Judiciary is not willing to protect the people, who is left to save us?

A clarion call for young lawyers

Once we realise that change is within us, the power to change is within reach and we can take action to change things; only then will we start living our lives a little bit more, and hopefully, with less fear.