Section 17A of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (MACC Act) came into force on 1 June 2020.
Directors, partners and senior personnel can now be sent to jail for corporate corruption!
What are the elements of the offence? What do the terms “commercial organisation” and “associated person” mean? What are the available defences? Practically, what should companies do now to enhance compliance safeguards and measures?
The Collective of Applied Law & Legal Realism (CALR) will discuss these issues and analyse their legal implications.
Send your questions in the usual manner ( and we will answer them during our Facebook Live session on 9 June 2020 (Tuesday) at 12:00 p.m.
You may also leave your questions in the live chat box while we are in session.
Link to FB Live:
See you on the 9th!
AmerBON, Advocates