Chambers Asia-Pacific 2022 ranks Edmund Bon: “clear understanding of institutional structures”
Edmund was commended for his clear understanding of institutional structures in Malaysia.
Edmund was commended for his clear understanding of institutional structures in Malaysia.
The right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief is often referred to as “religious freedom” or “freedom of religion or belief” (FoRB). FoRB is a fundamental and universal human right.
We should be allowed to exercise our fundamental liberties and democratic rights while the state addresses public health concerns — they need not be mutually exclusive.
These proposed amendments to the ATIPSOM should be seriously considered if the government is committed to transforming the human rights protection landscape for victims and survivors of trafficking, smuggling, and forced labour in our country.
The Bar Council should be transparent on the LexisNexis story.
Action to prevent or avert serious harm to the environment should be taken now and immediately.
The Malaysian National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights cannot fall below what we already have, but must aspire to fulfil what we ought to have.
Conversations with Apichai Sunchindah about people, planet, and profits.
Catatan media sosial bertajuk “‘Bukan Islam tak perlu patuh pada titah Raja’ — Peguam Edmund Bon” yang muncul dalam halaman Facebook adalah berniat untuk memprovokasi para pembacanya dan menghasut rasa benci. Jangan terperdaya.
The minister said today in Parliament that the Emergency Ordinances had been revoked five days ago.
The government’s refusal or neglect to allow Parliament to vote on the Emergency frustrates the Parliament’s duty under Article 150(3) of the Federal Constitution.
Lord Bobo’s influence in shaping the world.
Is the mandatory death penalty for drug trafficking constitutional?
The cases of Zaidi Kanapiah and Rovin Joty concern detentions under the Prevention of Crime Act 1959 (POCA). What is the impact of these cases on our liberties?
The immigration department DG erred in banning Maria Chin from travelling abroad. However, section 59A of the Immigration Act 1959/63 is valid and the courts only have the power to judicially review procedural non-compliance under the act. Is this constitutional?
An interpretative guide regarding Article 28(e) of the AHRD on the right to an adequate standard of living, and an elaboration of the right to safe drinking water and sanitation in the ASEAN context.
A new chat series by AmerBON. This session examined the Federal Court ruling that an illegitimate child born to a Malaysian father and a Filipino mother was not entitled to Malaysian citizenship. What is the way ahead for children born out of wedlock?
Any interpretation of human rights must be towards the promotion, and not the destruction, of the same rights.
“…proven reputation as lawyers committed in the realisation of justice, rule of law and human rights.”
We should speak more of water and sanitation as a human right that every person is entitled to claim. It is not to be treated as a commodity to be bought or sold. Neither is it to be given only in the form of charity.
Edmund was commended for his clear understanding of institutional structures in Malaysia.
The right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief is often referred to as “religious freedom” or “freedom of religion or belief” (FoRB). FoRB is a fundamental and universal human right.
We should be allowed to exercise our fundamental liberties and democratic rights while the state addresses public health concerns — they need not be mutually exclusive.
These proposed amendments to the ATIPSOM should be seriously considered if the government is committed to transforming the human rights protection landscape for victims and survivors of trafficking, smuggling, and forced labour in our country.
The Bar Council should be transparent on the LexisNexis story.
Action to prevent or avert serious harm to the environment should be taken now and immediately.
The Malaysian National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights cannot fall below what we already have, but must aspire to fulfil what we ought to have.
Conversations with Apichai Sunchindah about people, planet, and profits.
Catatan media sosial bertajuk “‘Bukan Islam tak perlu patuh pada titah Raja’ — Peguam Edmund Bon” yang muncul dalam halaman Facebook adalah berniat untuk memprovokasi para pembacanya dan menghasut rasa benci. Jangan terperdaya.
The minister said today in Parliament that the Emergency Ordinances had been revoked five days ago.
The government’s refusal or neglect to allow Parliament to vote on the Emergency frustrates the Parliament’s duty under Article 150(3) of the Federal Constitution.
Lord Bobo’s influence in shaping the world.
Is the mandatory death penalty for drug trafficking constitutional?
The cases of Zaidi Kanapiah and Rovin Joty concern detentions under the Prevention of Crime Act 1959 (POCA). What is the impact of these cases on our liberties?
The immigration department DG erred in banning Maria Chin from travelling abroad. However, section 59A of the Immigration Act 1959/63 is valid and the courts only have the power to judicially review procedural non-compliance under the act. Is this constitutional?
An interpretative guide regarding Article 28(e) of the AHRD on the right to an adequate standard of living, and an elaboration of the right to safe drinking water and sanitation in the ASEAN context.
A new chat series by AmerBON. This session examined the Federal Court ruling that an illegitimate child born to a Malaysian father and a Filipino mother was not entitled to Malaysian citizenship. What is the way ahead for children born out of wedlock?
Any interpretation of human rights must be towards the promotion, and not the destruction, of the same rights.
“…proven reputation as lawyers committed in the realisation of justice, rule of law and human rights.”
We should speak more of water and sanitation as a human right that every person is entitled to claim. It is not to be treated as a commodity to be bought or sold. Neither is it to be given only in the form of charity.