
Bekas Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Bangladesh dapat kebenaran tangguh pulang

Kosmo | Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Mohamed Zaini Mazlan membenarkan permohonan bekas Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Bangladesh ke Malaysia Mohamed Khairuzzaman untuk mendapatkan perintah penggantungan sementara (interim) bagi menghalang Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia menghantarnya pulang ke negara asal. Peguam Edmund Bon mewakili Khairuzzaman.

Mohamed Khairuzzaman berjaya halang Imigresen

Harian Metro | Bekas Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Bangladesh ke Malaysia, Mohamed Khairuzzaman, berjaya memperoleh perintah penggantungan sementara bagi menghalang Jabatan Imigresen menghantarnya pulang ke negara asal. Peguam Edmund Bon berkata penangguhan itu perlu dibenarkan kerana terdapat risiko anak guamnya dihantar pulang sebelum permohonan habeas corpus didengar pada 20 Mei.

Malaysia court halts deportation of ex-Ambassador Khairuzzaman to Dhaka

The Daily Star | Former Bangladeshi Ambassador Mohammed Khairuzzaman’s wife contended that his arrest was politically motivated by the Bangladesh government. His legal team including lawyer Edmund Bon said Khairuzzaman’s detention was unlawful as he was a political asylum seeker with a UNHCR card and had not committed any immigration violations.

Malaysia HC halts deportation of former Bangladeshi diplomat Khairuzzaman

The Business Standard | Lawyer of former Bangladeshi High Commissioner, Edmund Bon, brought up the issue of immigration officers deporting Myanmar detainees last year, despite a court order barring the government from doing so. “I hope the immigration (department) doesn’t take matters into their own hands,” Edmund said.

Court grants interim stay on former Bangladeshi diplomat’s deportation

The Edge Markets | Counsel Edmund Bon, whose firm Messrs AmerBON filed a habeas corpus application to free the former Bangladeshi diplomat from detention, told the High Court that the lawyers did not have access to the detained man and that his family who are in the US were concerned over his safety.

Court orders immigration dept to halt deportation of ex-Bangladeshi envoy

Free Malaysia Today | In granting former Bangladeshi Ambassador Mohamed Khairuzzaman’s application for an interim order against deportation, High Court judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan said: “I don’t want to hear that he has been deported against this court order that I have granted.” Khairuzzaman’s lawyer, Edmund Bon, had brought up the deportation of Myanmar detainees last year despite a court order.

Court order prevents ex-Bangladesh diplomat’s deportation

Malaysiakini | Judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan allowed Mohamed Khairuzzaman’s interim stay application against deportation following lawyer Edmund Bon saying there was a risk of his client being deported at any time. Khairuzzaman allegedly faced persecution in Bangladesh, and was arrested by Malaysian police despite being a recognised UNHCR refugee.

Bekas Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Bangladesh dapat kebenaran tangguh pulang

Kosmo | Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Mohamed Zaini Mazlan membenarkan permohonan bekas Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Bangladesh ke Malaysia Mohamed Khairuzzaman untuk mendapatkan perintah penggantungan sementara (interim) bagi menghalang Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia menghantarnya pulang ke negara asal. Peguam Edmund Bon mewakili Khairuzzaman.

Mohamed Khairuzzaman berjaya halang Imigresen

Harian Metro | Bekas Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Bangladesh ke Malaysia, Mohamed Khairuzzaman, berjaya memperoleh perintah penggantungan sementara bagi menghalang Jabatan Imigresen menghantarnya pulang ke negara asal. Peguam Edmund Bon berkata penangguhan itu perlu dibenarkan kerana terdapat risiko anak guamnya dihantar pulang sebelum permohonan habeas corpus didengar pada 20 Mei.

Malaysia court halts deportation of ex-Ambassador Khairuzzaman to Dhaka

The Daily Star | Former Bangladeshi Ambassador Mohammed Khairuzzaman’s wife contended that his arrest was politically motivated by the Bangladesh government. His legal team including lawyer Edmund Bon said Khairuzzaman’s detention was unlawful as he was a political asylum seeker with a UNHCR card and had not committed any immigration violations.

Malaysia HC halts deportation of former Bangladeshi diplomat Khairuzzaman

The Business Standard | Lawyer of former Bangladeshi High Commissioner, Edmund Bon, brought up the issue of immigration officers deporting Myanmar detainees last year, despite a court order barring the government from doing so. “I hope the immigration (department) doesn’t take matters into their own hands,” Edmund said.

Court grants interim stay on former Bangladeshi diplomat’s deportation

The Edge Markets | Counsel Edmund Bon, whose firm Messrs AmerBON filed a habeas corpus application to free the former Bangladeshi diplomat from detention, told the High Court that the lawyers did not have access to the detained man and that his family who are in the US were concerned over his safety.

Court orders immigration dept to halt deportation of ex-Bangladeshi envoy

Free Malaysia Today | In granting former Bangladeshi Ambassador Mohamed Khairuzzaman’s application for an interim order against deportation, High Court judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan said: “I don’t want to hear that he has been deported against this court order that I have granted.” Khairuzzaman’s lawyer, Edmund Bon, had brought up the deportation of Myanmar detainees last year despite a court order.

Court order prevents ex-Bangladesh diplomat’s deportation

Malaysiakini | Judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan allowed Mohamed Khairuzzaman’s interim stay application against deportation following lawyer Edmund Bon saying there was a risk of his client being deported at any time. Khairuzzaman allegedly faced persecution in Bangladesh, and was arrested by Malaysian police despite being a recognised UNHCR refugee.