Para tokoh ASEAN kecam kudeta militer di Myanmar | Para mantan Perwakilan Komisi Antar Pemerintah ASEAN untuk Hak Asasi Manusia (AICHR), termasuk Edmund Bon dari Malaysia, menyeru Myanmar supaya mematuhi Piagam ASEAN yang termasuk prinsip-prinsip demokrasi, pemerintahan yang baik, dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia.

‘Circling’ around human rights

New Naratif | The AICHR was often criticised for being ineffectual and “toothless” when it came to addressing the region’s human rights issues. Representatives said that while there had been some progress, it ultimately came down to the individuals within the body. Edmund Bon, Malaysia’s AICHR representative, noted it was difficult to get everyone to adopt a shared position.

Para tokoh ASEAN kecam kudeta militer di Myanmar | Para mantan Perwakilan Komisi Antar Pemerintah ASEAN untuk Hak Asasi Manusia (AICHR), termasuk Edmund Bon dari Malaysia, menyeru Myanmar supaya mematuhi Piagam ASEAN yang termasuk prinsip-prinsip demokrasi, pemerintahan yang baik, dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia.

‘Circling’ around human rights

New Naratif | The AICHR was often criticised for being ineffectual and “toothless” when it came to addressing the region’s human rights issues. Representatives said that while there had been some progress, it ultimately came down to the individuals within the body. Edmund Bon, Malaysia’s AICHR representative, noted it was difficult to get everyone to adopt a shared position.